This is the most famous temple of Lord Ayyappa in Kerala attracting numberless devotees from all over the country. The temple is situated on the hilltop about 3000 feet above sea level, in Pathanamthitta district. People of all religions visit this temple. There is a place dedicated to Vavar, a Muslim and a close friend of Ayyappa which speaks of the religious harmony that exists in the temple. The temple is not open throughout the year. It is open for 41 days for Mandala Puja, then for a week for Makara Vilakk and for the first five days of every
more Malayalam month. Pilgrims are expected to observe vratha (austerities) for 41 days before taking up the arduous trek to reach the Sannidhanam, the sanctum of Lord Ayyappa. Legends connect Lord Ayyappa with the Pandya dynasty who ruled Pandalam. King Rajasekhara who ruled Pandalam was a good and pious man but was unhappy at being childless. He and his wife prayed to Lord Siva to bless them with a child. It was at this time that a demon Mahishasura got a boon from Lord Brahma that nobody on earth would be able to annihilate him. As his cruelties became unbearable, the Gods appealed to Goddess Durga who killed him. To avenge the death of Mahishasura, his sister Mahishi obtained a boon from Brahma that none other than an offspring of Siva and Vishnu would be able to kill her. So, Vishnu took form as Mohini and decided that the son born to her and Lord Siva would be brought up by King Rajasekhara of Pandalam. The King heard the cry of a child as he was hunting in the forest and took him home. He was named Manikandan as per the advice of a sage who was there when the King had taken the baby. Everybody except the Diwan who had hoped to be the King after Rajasekhara was happy to see the divine- looking child. By the time Manikandan had finished his studies, a child was born to the queen also. King Rajasekhara decided to install Manikandan as the King. The Diwan was alarmed about it and tried to turn the mind of the queen against Manikandan as she had a son of her own now. The Diwan asked her to pretend to suffer from severe headache. All the royal physicians could not cure her. Then the Diwan brought a physician who prescribed tiger’s milk as the only cure for her illness. The soldiers sent by the king returned empty handed. Then Manikandan persuaded the king to allow him to go alone to the forest to get the milk. As he was moving through the forest he saw Mahishi causing havoc and killed her. After that he mounted the tiger which was Lord Devendra in disguise and started walking towards the palace. Devas followed in the guise of tigers and tigresses. People were panic stricken to see the tigers enter the palace. The King realised the divine presence in his foster son and prostrated before him. Manikandan was ready to give him any boon that he asked for. What the King wanted was for him to be present at a temple that he would construct. Manikandan agreed and aimed an arrow which fell at the top of Sabari Mala. King Rajasekhara constructed the temple there and it was decided that only those who came with the things that Manikandan had taken with him to the forest should climb the eighteen steps and worship Lord Ayyappa. It is believed that it was Parasurama who carved the idol of Lord Ayyappa and consecrated it there.